Spooky A.I. World
19. April 2023

The speeding advancement in Artificial Intelligences worries me a lot. Mainly I'm talking here about programs, that can generate pictures and texts with the push of a button.

Why is something like this even developed? Don't writers and artist have it already hard enough? Now they also have to compete against computer programs, that do the same work, that might take a human months, in a couple of seconds.

But as for so many why-questions, the answer is: that it makes money, or someone expects to make a lot of money. Completely ignoring possible consequences.

By the way, drugs are being sold on the basis of the same despicable motive.

I have once seen a League of Legends match. One on one. A professional player vs an AI.

The player had no chance.

How could he even have one?

In preparation the AI "played" millions of games to learn and improve itself. Pure emotionless mathematical optimisation. A human can't compete with that, even if he would have played the same amount of games.

Sure, at the moment we are not quite at the point where an AI could write a whole book. But looking at the speed the development is happenig at, we might be there at the end of the year.

I dont want to read a book, that was put together by a computer program. By an algorithm, that "read" millions of texts before and then, based on mathematical observations, uses the best parts to form a new text. Even if it might be a good book at the end. A book written by a machine, is just a book without magic.

So, what do we do?

I believe the only way forward is through an obligation to mark artificially generated creations. Like Influencers have to tell, when they get paid for a commercial, we should have the right to know, whether a text or picture was created by a human or a machine.

This might also reduce the abuse of such computer programs a little bit.

I don't like to think about what would happen without such an obligation.

Perhaps I worry a bit too much and everything will develop differently than I think. But I might also worry too little. It is hard to tell at the moment.

Let's hope it'll develop to be alright.

older: A little update
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